Sunday, March 18, 2018

Hummus Tartine

Hummus is a wonderful thing. I had never had hummus until I came to the US. It soon became one of my favorite things to order in a middle-eastern restaurant. For home use, I never really took to supermarket hummus... there was something always off about it. I prefer the homemade version a lot more.

It's very easy to make.

Makes 4-5 tartines

chickpeas AKA garbanzo beans             1 15oz can

garlic                                                        2-3 cloves
extra virgin olive oil                                  1/4th cup
sesame seeds                                         1/4th cup
lemon juice                                              2 tbsp

salt, pepper, red pepper flakes to taste


1. Dry-roast the sesame seeds until light brown. Put aside.

2. Chop the garlic and fry it for a couple of minutes. This is to avoid the taste of raw garlic, especially if you plan to store the hummus for a few days.
3. Blend the sesame seeds and the olive oil until the seeds are crushed and blended with the oil.
4. Blend the chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes with the above sesame paste.

Serve at room temperature.